44th Annual Middle Level
Conference & Exhibits
Call for Presenters
Submission Deadline: December 6, 2024
The New England League of Middle Schools has been providing middle level educators with an opportunity to come together and share ideas, current research, and best practices for over 40 years! Our conference strands demonstrate our mission to focus on middle level topics that are both current and developmentally appropriate for young adolescents.
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to share your ideas and successes with colleagues from around New England. As an accepted presenter, you will receive a discount on the registration fee for the conference. Only presenters who have completed ALL the presenter requirements will be eligible for any presenter discount. Up to two (2) presenters per workshop will receive the presenter discount on the registration fee.
Session Information/Types:
The NELMS Annual Conference offers two types of session types for potential presenters to select from.
Concurrent Sessions: One-hour sessions that dig into a particular topic and are designed to be interactive and full of practical takeaways. Presenters are encouraged to share tools that can be implemented in your school and classroom. If you feel your presentation would require a double session, please contact the NELMS office for information.
Lesson Plan Sessions: Lesson Plan Sessions are for presenters to share with attendees a wide range of topics while engaging with attendees. Sessions are 20 minutes long. These sessions are great for those potential presenters who might be unsure if they have enough material for to present a Concurrent Session.
Selection Process:
All session proposals are read and reviewed by the Annual Conference Selection Committee. The deadline to submit a session proposal is December 6, 2024. Selections will be made after that date and information regarding the status of the application will be made by the end of December by email.
Note: Presentations that contain negative references based on ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, or beliefs will not be considered.
Presenters serve on a contributing basis and are not reimbursed for lodging, travel, and/or audiovisual equipment rental. Accepted presenters will receive, by email, an acceptance letter. Additional workshop presenters WILL NOT be added after a workshop has been selected.