New England League of Middle Schools are leaders in promoting middle level best practices by providing collaborative learning experiences that support students’ intellectual, academic, social, and emotional growth and success.
We pride ourselves on offering specific content information, instructional strategies, effective leadership and organizational practices, and problem solving. Through collaboration with our member schools our services support school improvement, positive student outcomes, and the development of solutions for success.
The New England League of Middle Schools is a nonprofit organization filed under Massachusetts Articles of Corporation. Its organizational structure is governed by a constitution and bylaws drafted and approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is comprised of elected representatives from each of the New England states, as well as a Teacher Representative, a Professor of Middle Level Education Representative, and a Business Representative.
With 300 member schools and more than 15,000 individual members in six New England states and beyond, The New England League of Middle Schools is committed to offering quality professional development, advocacy for the important and unique middle years, networking, colleague support, and educational resources.