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Upcoming Workshop

New England League of Middle Schools are leaders in promoting middle level best practices by providing collaborative learning experiences that support students’ intellectual, academic, social, and emotional growth and success. 

"Engage Through the Power of Play, Brain-Based Experiential Learning, and Reflection"

Presenter: Jennifer Stanchfield, MS
Experiential Tools

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Registration begins at 8:00 am
The program runs from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm

LowellFive, Corporate Headquarters,
30 International Place, Tewksbury, MA 01876

Join this engaging and interactive workshop to harness the power of play, experiential, approaches, and meaningful reflection activities to teach and practice social and emotional learning and academics. Enhance your advisory, morning meeting, and group circles facilitation toolbox with brain-based techniques.

Gain active student-centered methods to inspire, engage, and cultivate student voice and ownership. Promote self and social awareness and communication. Explore the connections between experiential education, neuroscience, social and emotional skills development, and community building. Bring learning to life with ongoing active reflection.

Participants will take away:

  • Practical techniques to build a joyful, connected, and inclusive learning community

  • Intentional approaches for promoting involvement, voice, choice, and ownership of learning

  • Ways to deepen learning through emotional connection, relevancy, and reflection

  • Creative inspiration and networking opportunities with other educators and counselors

  • Practical teaching strategies to integrate social and emotional learning and academics that you can facilitate with simple materials and adapt to various age groups

  • Games and activities that teach empathy, self, and social awareness along with academics

  • Classroom structures and teaching strategies to make experiential learning successful

Enliven the traditional sharing circle with active, brain-based methods including movement, metaphor, art, and interactive dialogue to increase emotional connection, relevancy, and depth of understanding. Facilitate strong beginnings and optimistic endings that reach beyond the experience. Get inspired with new perspectives and practical tools for weaving meaningful reflection, connection, and ownership throughout lessons and experiences. Create lasting lessons and help students become lifelong reflective learners.

Registration fee will include lunch and a copy of Jen's book Inspired Educator, Inspired Learner book.


About Jennifer Stanchfield

Jen works with schools worldwide, helping educators use experiential methods to develop positive and supportive learning environments, increase student engagement, and develop social and emotional skills. Jen's depth of experience, creativity, and knowledge of educational theory and practice is evident in her innovative yet practical workshops and publications that stem from her diverse experiences with learners of all ages incorporated with neuroscience-informed practices. In her 30 years as an educator, Jen has worked as a classroom teacher, a clinician in mental health treatment centers for children and adolescents, and professional training and organizational team building. Jen earned her master's degree in Experiential Education and Educational Leadership at Minnesota State University, Mankato, and continues to pursue the latest research on the brain and learning, pedagogy, and the emerging field of educational neuroscience. Through these experiences, she has developed an extensive repertoire of evidence-informed tools, and strategies she brings to her engaging and informative workshops, publications, and teaching resources. Jen is the author of Tips and Tools for The Art of Experiential Group Facilitation and the Inspired Educator, Inspired Learner: Experiential, Brain-Based Activities and Strategies to Engage, Motivate, Build Community and Create Lasting Lessons and the Inspired Educator Blog at

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